Celebration of Dr. King ( MLK)
Thu, Jan 14
In honor of MLK Day, we have decided to dedicate January's Late Edition of 'By the Good Book' to pondering, discussing and reflecting upon the wisdom and driving forces that made the MLK led Nonviolent Civil Rights Movement so exemplary.

Time & Location
Jan 14, 2021, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM PST
About the Event
Join us on Thursday January 14th to reflect, discuss and celebrate the life of MLK!
In honor of MLK Day, we have decided to dedicate January's Late Edition of 'By the Good Book' to pondering, discussing and reflecting upon the wisdom and driving forces that made the MLK led Nonviolent Civil Rights Movement so exemplary. Without the work that they did, our lives would be very diffrerent today. However, more than 50 years after, we are constantly reminded that the work is not yet done, especially in the wake of recent happenings. We have work to do.
To attempt to do this 90 minute conversation justice, our moderators, Dele Grillo, Chris Alabi & Julius Agbonbhase will be leaning on a few MLK essays and Speeches from the book, 'A Testament of Hope'. We will infuse some fun MLK/Civil Rights Trivia using Kahoots to spice things up a bit. If you have never played Kahoots before, its loads of fun. We will also be giving away copies of 'A Testament of Hope to two lucky winners. One in the begiining and one at the end. Increase your odds of winning by joining on time. Your prize will be mailed to your home address.
Please click on the link to RSVP.
Words on Marble:
"When we speak of loving those who oppose us, we refer to neither 'eros' nor 'philia'; we speak of a love which is expressed in the Greek word 'agape'. Agape means understanding, redeeming good will for all men. It is an overflowing love which is purely spontaneous, unmotivated, groundless, and creative. It is not set in motion by any quality of function of its object. It is the love of God operating in the human heart." - MLK